Our Activities
We surveyed 70 different initiatives from across the globe, which are working to enhance access to, participation in and completion of education from primary education up to higher education, of learners from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups, and identify what works for purposes of replication. We are especially interested in initiatives which are developed from a framework of inclusive education and inclusive excellence. Inclusive Excellence (IE) is the recognition that a community or institution’s success is dependent on how well it values, engages and includes the rich diversity of students, staff, faculty, administrators, and alumni constituents. This definition is based on research of Frank Tuitt, professor at the University of Denver. The theory and practice has been researched and tested in different parts of the world also in the Netherlands.
We aimed to identify practices that have proven to be successful, for reasons of effectiveness and efficiency. There are more reasons though why initiatives, programmes are seen as good practices. Important to know is why good practices are qualified as good. What makes them successful and what have good practices achieved in the first place and impacted in the second place. Proven success cannot be seen separately from impact. Especially when initiatives were developed to improve social cohesion and have social change as aim. Proving what enables access and educational outcomes from an inclusive perspective in diverse societies is not that easy. There is not a one size fits all measure or programme to improve social and educational inequities. We identified 70 different initiatives which reflect the variety of interventions to enhance equity and inclusion in education.
The Good of Good Practices
Our vision of good practices includes practices which have proven success by: