The Hague University is a University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). We primarily prepare students for working in the professional field. Therefore, we have a huge active network in society. During their studies our students frequently participate in community projects and our researchers are engaged in all sorts of practice oriented research (locally, nationally and internationally). Our research is focused on four themes: Good Governance for a Safe World, Quality of life, the Next Economy and Connect Learning. The organization employs a workforce of over 2,000 employees of which 2/3rds are educators, and over 25,000 students are enrolled in more than 50 bachelor’s programs, of which 9 in English. Our education is based on the three pillars World citizenship, Internationalisation and Networking. These three pillars are integrated in all educational and research programmes of the university.
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) has a highly diverse and internationally oriented student population. 40% of the student population of THUAS are ‘bi cultural’ students. They are Dutch students with a migrant or refugee background. Almost 50% of the student population are 1st generation students. These are students who are the first in their family to enter higher education.
Why we are Participating in the Project
Our Role in the Project
THUAS is situated in one of the most diverse parts of the city of The Hague. There is a large Muslim and Hindu community living closely to THUAS and the neighbourhood can be characterized as a low income area. Therefore, THUAS works closely with schools in the surrounding neighbourhood as well as with the local City council and the department of the City of The Hague responsible for integration, radicalisation and social inclusion. From THUAS the Research Platform Connected Learning is involved especially the unit specialized on inclusive education with Aminata Cairo as a leading scholar. THUAS will be responsible for the research framework to compare, contrast and evaluate the success of the different inclusive learning communities. The teacher training department of THUAS will be able to connect the consortium with schools in the city of The Hague but will also implement the outcomes of the project in their curriculum development. Students from THUAS who are role models for many children in the local schools will be involved in activities of the project. Apart from that THUAS has already got the commitment from the City of The Hague to be involved in dissemination of the outcomes and the City of The Hague is also supportive in creating systemic impact given the many challenges cities in the urban areas are facing.
Our Team
![Wâtte Zijlstra](
Wâtte Zijlstra
Wâtte Zijlstra is researcher and program coordinator of the research platform Connected Learning at THUAS. As program coordinator he works closely together with professors, lecturers and students in realising the research agenda of the platform. His fields of expertise as a researcher are access, study success and diversity & inclusion.
![Aminata Cairo](
Aminata Cairo
Aminata Cairo is the Professor of Inclusive Education and has accepted the charge to make The Hague University of Applied Sciences a more inclusive learning and working environment where every member can function to the best of their capacity.
![Edward van Os](
Edward van Os
Edward van Os is a researcher, educational scientist and policy advisor. Using his experience as a (former) vocational and university lecturer and teacher, he is interested in work cultures in educational organizations, especially in what it takes to create a save learning environment in which every student feels at home and has a fair chance to be successful.