Associazione Dschola is a not for profit association of schools aimed at stimulating greater attention to ICT, by involving students, teachers and families. The association was founded in October 2004, starting from an existing network of schools, consisting of a selected group of primary and secondary schools with proven technical and didactical excellence at regional level aiming at disseminating their experiences and expertise towards other. The main the activities of the Association are:
- Technologies for disability (mostly software): to customize educational paths for students with different skills, using digital learning tools to offer online services to students or agencies or local authorities. A training program for teachers called “Scratch for Disability” is going to start in sep 2017
- Coding training in order to rethink computer science programs so that the students become active actors of digital technologies. “Programmo Anch’io” (I code,too) is Dschola biggest iniatitive since 2015 funded by a Bank Foundation
- Sustainaible solution for using ICT In school. “Green Lab” is the project for using low cost and energy saving computers at school.
- ICT curricula: to experiment learning paths aimed to develop logical and cognitive skills through the use of digital tools
- E-safety: increase awareness about in students also about privacy
- Training, Scientific dissemination and technological innovation through the internal group of Research and Development
Why we are Participating in the Project
Our Role in the Project
As a network of schools focused on ICT, DSchola is interested in the project specifically from a perspective of digital inclusion. This includes providing full access to digital technologies to all people include those from disadvantaged group, as well as combating bullying, discrimination and false information that increasingly is moving online. In addition the network has expertise in how to use technology as a multiplier for inclusion through networking, technologies for learning and other new innovations.