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What is it about?

This Dimension is about creating systems helping student’s development. The focus is on personal development rather than on school performance

Completing the questionnaire will allow you to evaluate to which extent the Student and Participant Support compliance is attained in your institution.


Explanation of the term personal background: 

In the Questionnaire, you are going to find the term “personal background”. We use this term as a container for individual character, gender, race, religion, socio-economic, migration background, refugee background, allergies and food intolerance, nutritional preferences (vegetarians, vegans …) and age. Every time you read the term, please be aware of all these characteristics.

Please select the options that represent better your current situation: Yes, if your situation is represented by the question statement No, when such statement does not represent your situation You can also answer N/A if you think that requirement presented in the statement does not apply for your institution

Student and Participant Support 3rd Dimension 9.5
0% Complete
1 of 2
Questions                                                         Yes                                No                            Don´t know or No Applicable
1. Are new school students brought together with experienced school students (as mentors), when they come to school for the first time or when they have orientation difficulties? *
2. Is it clear to new school students who they can turn to if they have difficulties? *
3. Is prevention of school drop out seen as a common goal among all staff members in school? *
4. Are colleagues, school students, parents and others asked to identify and solve problems before they escalate? *
5. Are school students encouraged to form learning groups and is it possible to use the school facilities for joint learning groups? *
6. Are learning groups supported by the teaching staff? *
7. Are there sufficient and sucessfull activities that promote school community? *
8. Are there programmes that support students in the transition to the next educational level? *
9. Are there cooperations on an institutional level to alleviate the transition to the next educational level? *
10.Are there any attempts to reduce labeling school students as 'with special needs education'? *