We asked leaders of equity interventions to share their stories with us. We hope these stories will spark a discussion and lead to an exchange of experiences and good practices among the practitioners.
Making Space for Multilingualism in Schools: Five simple steps
16/12/2020/by Ivana StanojevWhy Don’t Policy Makers Listen to Experts (particularly Applied Linguists)?
05/12/2020/by Ivana StanojevInclusive Education in times of COVID-19: National Launch of UNESCO’s Monitoring Report 2020 (The Netherlands)
23/11/2020/by Ivana Stanojev#Multinclude Lecture Tour: Interview with Judit Horgas (HU) on piloting Inclusion Matrix
01/11/2020/by Ivana StanojevThe need for a color brave approach to education
11/10/2020/by Ivana StanojevTransition to Digital Education – An Inclusive Digital Start to Autumn 2020
22/09/2020/by Ivana StanojevTransition to Digital Education – From Classroom Presentations to Online Presentations
22/09/2020/by Ivana StanojevTransition to Digital Education – Flipping my classroom in Spring 2020
21/09/2020/by Ivana StanojevFrom theory to practice
12/08/2020/by Ivana StanojevPowerful language
16/07/2020/by Ivana StanojevSupporting school students is truly enriching
04/07/2020/by Ivana StanojevSchool inclusion in the COVID-19 period
28/05/2020/by Ivana StanojevHave we included everyone?
28/01/2020/by Ivana StanojevFrom equity talk to equity walk
20/12/2019/by Ivana StanojevThe story of The Hague: how to cope with diversity and segregation?
28/11/2019/by Ivana Stanojev“Caffelatte” (Coffee with Milk) is Cultural Contamination
17/09/2019/by Ivana StanojevChristian’s story: customized education for inclusion
17/09/2019/by Ivana StanojevInclusion as we do it in Dublin
10/09/2019/by Ivana StanojevDo we reach those students that need our support the most? The struggle for inclusive education in The Netherlands
10/09/2019/by Ivana StanojevSelective mutism: the child who said Hello
14/05/2019/by Ivana StanojevMultiplying evidence based strategies for inclusion (#Mult!nclude)
Project ref: 592125-EPP-1-2017-1-NL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
