First Name
Last Name
Biographical Info
Originally trained and practiced as a teacher I later became an economist specialized in nonprofit management, education and culture, nonprofit marketing and PR. I started dealing with rights of the child issues in 1989 and has specialized in students’ rights and parents’ rights, with focus on education in the past 22 years. She has been involved in international education and social topics including equity and inclusion, school leadership, parental engagement, child participation, lifelong learning, the prevention of early school leaving and youth unemployment, reconciling family life and work, and the importance of developing key competences.
Name of the Organisation/Institution
European School Heads Association
Type of education
EU Policy level
Your role in the Organization/Institution
Education Consultant
Equity topics of interest
Sense of belonging
Peer to peer
Community Building
Curriculum change
Policy change
Grass roots interventions
STEM for inclusion
Inclusive pedagogy
Blended learning
Teacher training
Transition to labor market
Child parent relationship
Research based approach
Learning environments
Tech solutions
Equity target group of interest
International students
PE and SE pupils
Staff and faculty
Students in care
Disability/mental health students
Under-represented students
Low socio-economic background
Adult learners
This the default user group. All existing registered users are automatically assigned this group.
4 years ago no Comment

Blog post in Hungarian by Marla Biedermann-Jones (pen name) on her MultInclude experiences Nos, bármilyen furcsa is, közel fél év után ma visszatérünk az iskolai hétköznapokba. Kiváncsi vagyok, hogy fog működni ez a legkevésbé sem rugalmas oktatási rendszer, még szerencse, hogy az amszterdami továbbképzés után lélekben (tenger) és szellemben (továbbképzés) megújulva kezdem a tanévet. A […]

4 years ago 1 Comment

ESHA organised a training for teachers and school leaders from the Netherlands and Hungary in Utrecht on 27-29 September 2020. The topic was inclusion, and we focused on the topic in general as well as some specific aspects such as gender equality, child participation and parental engagement, managing conflict and – most important of all […]