Title: Inclusion in Education – have we included everyone?
Hosting institution: European School Heads Association (ESHA)
Date: March 15th, 2019, 3 pm CET
Inclusion in education is a very important topic tackled nowadays by everybody in education from international policy level to actual school practice. Not being or not feeling included often leads to early school leaving and young people who feel that schools exclude them in one way or another often decide not to continue their education beyond compulsory schooling.
The MultInclude project is aiming at finding the good of good practices in inclusive education and build a community of practice of committed professionals for school provisions that support students at risk of being or feeling excluded to become committed lifelong learners, finish their secondary education and continue at tertiary level.
Peter de Zoete, School Leader Berlage Lyceum
Eszter Salamon, ESHA
Peter and Eszter will be the webinar co-host for the day. Peter is a school leader at Berlage Lyceum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Peter also works as an education consultant for ESHA. Eszter is a child rights expert specializing in child participation and parental engagement. Eszter works as a consultant and project manager for ESHA. Eszter will give an introduction and state-of-the-art of the MultInclude project.
Andrea Gruber is the leader of Pressley Ridge Hungary implementing No Bad Kids programme.
Rory O’Sullivan as a school head designed and implemented Inclusive VET at Killester College of Further Education
Hallgeir Hansen is the head of Firda School winning the Queen Sonja School Award in 2018 for their Open School programme.
Monika Almássy-Tóth is the president of the foundation implementing the Hospiedu programme.