Title: Multilingual Education for Social Justice – Addressing the Need for Linguistically Inclusive Classrooms
Hosting institution: Knowledge Innovation Center, Malta
Date: December 16, 2020, 15 pm
Environments that both teachers and learners inhabit are dominated by questions of immigration, diversity, inclusion, multiculturalism, and globalism. These issues relate to and are informed by language and language study.
But not all languages and linguistic practices are equal and associated with the same opportunities and privileges in and beyond educational contexts. Education systems that promote equitable access to the language of the curriculum demonstrate more comprehensive support and better outcomes for all learners.
Linguistically inclusive classrooms provide the ideal context for entering critical, transformative spaces of culture and community study informed by a social justice framework. Framing access to the language of the curriculum as a social justice issue alongside asset-based approaches to language and multilingualism challenges the mainstream narrative and ensure that multilingual learners have access to an equitable education system.
So, how do we enable education systems in which diverse, multicultural and multilingual schools are considered ’the norm’?
How do we design a more equitable, inclusive and coherent education system with better outcomes and opportunities for multilingual learners?
The last #Multinclude Webinar: Multilingual Education for Social Justice – Addressing the Need for Linguistically Inclusive Classrooms will try to provide some answers and shed light on good practices we encountered while searching for inclusion interventions for #Multinclude Database.
Ivana Stanojev, Knowledge Innovation Centre
Eva Vetter, Professor at the Center for Research into Language Teaching and Learning and Vice-head of Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna
Milica Rodić, National Program Officer for National Minorities, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to Serbia
Wilfried Stotzka, former coordinator for the Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB) in the Berlin Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Family
Timothy Read, EDEN Vice President and Senior lecturer in computer languages and systems of National Distance Education University in Madrid (UNED), Coordinator of MOONLITE – Erasmus+ project on online language learning for refugees and migrants;
Mari Varsanyi, consultant, trainer (human-ed) and university lecturer in the fields of intercultural and multicultural education, and former program coordinator at the Amsterdam-based superdiverse school, DENISE